Dungeon Diving 202
Dungeon Diving 202
By: Bruce Sentar
Narrated by: Christopher Boucher, Jessica Threet
Series: Dungeon Diving, Book 6
English | 03-13-25 | B0F1DJQ9QJ | 10h 46m | M4B@125 kbps | 587.58 MB
Reeling from the conflict with the dwarves, Ken and several Haylon classes move to an event on the 28th floor of a dead branch of the dungeon to prepare for the raid.
While he’s busy training, his grandparents give him his first mission to assess and carry out on his own. Between Ken’s time of scouting out and investigating his target, he runs in with the other three schools and learns he’s not the only ace damage dealer. Pendulum, Trusk and the Royal Academy all have a student that’s a head above the rest of their peers.
The pressure is on, especially when one of them is associated with Ken’s latest assassination target.
So if the date matches with the re-release of the audiobook, does that mean these are the re-released ones or was it just taken from a site, rather than the audiobook file itself?